Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Thanks Jill!!

Your advice helped a ton Jill- thanks!! So for all you who are wondering about my new blog photo, it is a picture taken from New Years Eve. One of our good friends is a helicopter pilot, and inevitably, after a few drinks, I decided it was time to play dress up!!

Jeremy also had an amazing photo op while wearing the helmet.....

Val Kilmer and Tom Cruise watch out!!

I think it's worth the 55 grand it would cost to become a helicopter pilot, just to see Jeremy wear this helmet as part of his uniform everyday!

It is March Break here, and so I am mostly off this week from teaching. So today, I cooked up an Indian Feast, and made Chicken Tikka Masala, and 2 types of Samosas. I was going to make Matar Paneer as well, but the samosas took longer than I thought, so there wasn't enough time to make the paneer (kind of a cheese, made from milk curds...... sounds gross, tastes delicious!!) The chicken dish is really easy- marinade the chicken all day in yoghurt and spices, then skewer it and roast it in the oven till is gets all brown, then add it to a tomato, curry, cream sauce. sooooooo good! Not so surprisingly, making samosas is very similar to making peroghies. And after all my hard work in the kitchen, Jeremy is very kindly doing the dishes while I type away at the computer.

Not too much else going on here at the moment. I just finished reading a really great fantasy novel by another one of my favourite authors, Guy Gavriel Kay. It's called The Last Light of The Sun, and if you enjoy reading fantasy I HIGHLY recommend it (and any of his other books!).

I'm exhausted, so it's bath time and then bed time. And hopefully (unlike the past 2 nights) a good sleep and not crazy dream time- but that's a whole other topic!!


Jillian Camwell said...

Glad it worked for you! Cute helmet, baby! ;)

Karmen said...

Great pics :) I'll have to get off my butt and get some pics on my blog too!