Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mr. Pomeranian

As I was taking the subway (almost a month ago now, how time flies) I had quite an entertaining experience. I was standing at the end of the platform looking towards where the train would be coming from, when my eyes were suddenly distracted from their task. Newly arriving on the platform was a very tall, bearded man pushing a blue pram. This wasn't too out of the ordinary in itself, but the fact that he was surrounded by at least 10 little pomeranian dogs barking and yapping made for quite the scene.

They were quite well behaved for little dogs with more attitude than would seem possible. Travelling together in their little pack, free of the restrictions of leashes, they happily bounced along the platform, freely barking at whomever caught their attention. I myself was deemed special enough for a bark by the leader of their pack. He came right up to my leg, gave me a little bark of a greeting, then strutted back to his gang. By this point, Mr. Pomeranian himself had pushed his blue pram close enough to me that I could discreetly peer inside.

Imagine my surprise when I saw, not a little baby or toddler, but another 4 or 5 little pomeranians all sitting together. Prim and proper as pomeranians could be, carefully viewing the goings on of the rest of their pack from their prime pram position in life. It was about this point when the subway came roaring into the station, and all of the little dogs clustered like small children against the back wall, until the subway had reached a full and complete stop. Alas, when we boarded the train I was one car ahead of Mr. Pomeranian and his crew- although I can imagine that the ride that ensued was as equally entertaining as the waiting time on the platform.

On writing comments on blogs.

Why do I read blogs? The blogs I frequent most often are usually those of my friends, and most of them live hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers away from me. Blogs are a great way for us to keep up with what is happening in eachothers lives. I read the blogs of a few people I don't know personally because I enjoy the way they write, and the recipes or other interesting things they write about.

Do I leave comments? Sure, on my friends blogs I absolutely do. Do I leave comments on other blogs? Yes, if I am feeling particularily inspired about something they wrote. Do I anonomously leave comments which attack the writer? Never. If I feel strongly about something I write my name. Blogs can often lead to an interesting dialogue between the author and readers. That is what makes writing a blog so interesting!!!

It has been interesting to see what readers leave comments about. I guess I'm fairly lucky that most of the comments I receive are generally positive and encouraging. So, I was quite surprised to read a comment correcting my grammar in a less than kind way. I'll let you know right now that I am not a "dumbass" thank you very much. I do appreciate the correction- infact I had intended on fixing it shortly after I published that post, but alas, my full, busy, fabulous life got in the way and my little grammatical mistake fell by the wayside. Oops. Little did I know that someone would take such offense- I'm so sorry to have caused you such anger!! I do appreciate the thought though. You're absolutely right that I wouldn't want someone to read my bio and think I was a "dumbass". But then again, I did begin each sentence of it with a capital letter, so it can't be that bad. I was kind of hoping that those reading it would just enjoy reading a short story instead of a list of pretentious facts that most people don't really understand or appreciate anyways.

For those of you who care to read the comment being discussed, you can view it here. What do you think? Personally, I'm quite happy to have the odd imperfection. Especially if it means that my life is so interesting and fabulous that I don't have the time or desire to read other's blogs with the sole intent on correcting their grammar and calling them "dumbasses".