Monday, March 06, 2006

the ants go marching one by one

What a weekend. Dinner at Gilles place on Saturday was a blast. The beef tenderloin was so tender, delicious mashed potatoes, salad, and cherry flambe on vanilla ice cream for dessert. Between the 7 of us, we managed to polish off 6 bottles of wine...... needless to say, it was a good night.

The pictures above are of some roses which Jeremy brought home on Thursday. They have opened up beautifully- and are still looking as amazing today. Can you believe they were $5.99? wow. I have to say that he has great luck with flowers- they usually last at least a week. When I buy them, they usually go limp after a day or 2, all the petals fall all over the place, or they don't open at all. At least one of us has good luck!!

It has been a very mild winter so far here, and as a result we have had the occasional ant show up in our bathroom. This past week the temperature dropped a bit and we had a full on invasion. eew. We were talking about ants last night, wondering about their sense of direction- and how they are able to walk upside down on the ceiling- and if they would survive if they were to fall from the ceiling to the ground. Shortly after this we went to the bathroom to inspect the ant situation- and not 2 seconds later the one walking on the ceiling dropped off and fell to the ground, where he landed right side up and continued on his merry way. I had a huge laugh at this- what are the chances that we'd happen to see this, just after wondering about it?!! I have to say that even though they are disgusting, ants are pretty amazing bugs. Even so, it's time for them to get out of our home, so we've left some yummy ant poisin on the window for them to eat. It seems to be working. Last night they were all crowded around feasting on the stuff, looking slightly drunk (maybe that explains the one falling off the ceiling and surviving.....). I just hope that in a day or 2 the colony will be destroyed, and the only bugs we (by we, I mean Jeremy) will have to kill are the occasional spider.

1 comment:

Karmen said...

Pretty flowers!! :)