Friday, October 06, 2006

maybe an excitingly exciting new hobby......

For the past few days I have been working on a new update for my teaching blog. I wanted to add something new that my students could learn about, that was both fun and flute related. Maybe some Thanksgiving flute trivia? Well, surprise, surprise, there is not an abundant amount of fun Thanksgiving flute trivia floating around out there. This got me thinking. "What could I post about, that I find interesting, that most students might find neat, that they don't know about already?"

Enter my dizi- or chinese flute!! With a few fun sound samples and pictures, there's a new bit of trivia over there that you might want to check out. I'll post the answers in a few days. To check out Fun Flute Trivia #1, click here!

The most exciting thing about this for me is how EXCITED I find myself getting when I listen to this instrument!! I love the quality of the sound. So...... I'm thinking about taking some lessons, since the Conservatory now has Traditional Chinese Instrument classes!! Click here to see their web page. It's just a thought right now, albeit a very tempting and exciting thought!!!


Natasha said...

I liked it, it was very pretty!

If you're really feeling the urge to be all creative, I'm sure there will be a chance or two if you're here at the holidays :D.

Thumbing Luxury said...


I am so looking forward to it!!