Friday, October 20, 2006

I like packages

For (I think) the first time since Jeremy and I moved into our coachhouse, we got packages delivered to our door!! In the past I have had to trek to the not so close post office to pick up parcels and such- but not today!! And thank goodness- because it is raining and grey outside.

So now I am faced with a predicament...... do I go crazy and tear with excitment into my packages right now? Or do I wait until Sunday...... crazy tearing or patience, crazy tearing..... Personally, I'm all for the craziness...... but maybe I should wait until my actual Birthday! 2 days to go.

It's been a busy month. I am doing a ton of teaching, and loving every minute. My students are a varied range of ages and levels- so it is always interesting and challenging. I just started teaching a 12 year old boy this week, (at his house- can you say PETS galore!! They have 2 dogs, and 4 cats!) and tomorrow I have 3 new students starting at the studio. So I'm up to 22 students now.

I had my shellfish allergy test a couple weeks ago- and was disappointed to find out that I am not a mutant freak, and am still severly allergic to shellfish. Boo. No busting out to Red Lobster in celebration- instead Jeremy got to toss the tempting shrimp ring in the trash. Believe me, there were tears shed.

There are exciting plans for my Birthday weekend!! For the past 2 years, I've had gigs for pretty much the entire day and evening, but this weekend I am free!! Tomorrow night we are going 10 pin glow bowling, which should be a riot. I'll bring the camera. Before that we're heading over to our great friends Matt and Michelle's to have pre-bowling dinner and drinks. After bowling we'll hang out with friends at the local pub. And then Sunday is free for breakfast and presents. And to top it off, I just found out last night that my friend Melissa is in town for the weekend, and will be staying with us!! YAY!

Time to tidy up and then get some groceries!! Must resist the tempation of the temptingly tempting packages........


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good birthday. So what was in the package?


Thumbing Luxury said...

In the package #1, from your family, was a beautiful flower vase (I'm sure pictures will be posted soon) a teal tank top, a crazy, scary edible gummi mask (for Jeremy) some Halloween candies, and some treats from Grandma Stoess (I don't know how to spell it, but they are the yummy pie crust treats, rolled up with jam, mmmmmmm!!)
package #2 contained a bunch on Old Dutch chips (not available in Ontario!) from my sister, some homemade salsa, some homemade crabapple jam, a new coffee pot (since I recently broke the old one) and one of my favourite illustrated books- The Rainbow Goblins, by Ul de Rico (who did the artistic conception for The Neverending Story) I have been meaning to bring it back with me to Toronto since I moved!!

Anonymous said...

Those sound like fantastic packages to get!
