The other day, coming home from Noah's with my 2 bags, I exited the subway station via my normal route- out of the 'illegal' exit over the street car tracks, thus saving valuable time (maybe a minute?) on my way home. Really, it's not that bad. Tons of people do it all the time. You just have to make sure that the bus isn't coming and that the street cars haven't dinged the bells announcing their departure.
So, there I was carrying my 2 health food bags, halfway out of the station, when the streetcar driver decided to ding his bell. No worries, I was half way to the exit, and would be out of the station before he even started driving. Just incase though, I thought it would be a good idea to pick up the pace a bit. The next thing I knew, I was down on the concrete. I didn't trip or stumble- I wasn't at the track yet, so I didn't fall over that. I just hit the ground with full force for no apparent reason. This was not a normal fall. Apparently my body had decided that it would be a fun thing to randomly belly flop onto and then slide along the pavement.
So there I am, down on the ground. And what is the first thing that goes through my mind? NOT am I injured in any way, NOT did I just wreck my beloved miu miu sunglasses, NOT did I just spill the entire contents of my bags all over the place. Nothing rational like that. My first thought was- "Oh CRAP!! I hope nobody saw me!! I better get up before anyone comes to help, or before the street car driver notices that someone is out for the count on the concrete just beside his tracks!!" And as fast as I went down, I was back up again and hauling ass out of the station. I remember trying to put my sunglasses on- but they seemed to be bent, so I just held on to them. And the crazy thing is that I still had my grocery bags in my hands!!
Feeling a little shaken up, and realizing with each step that I had totally crushed my left knee cap, I tried to maintain a bit of composure as I walked past other pedestrians on the sidewalk up to my place. And then I was home. I looked in the mirror as I walked in the door, and started LAUGHING!!! I was totally covered in black filth. My bags had dozens of mini tears from the force of hitting and sliding across the ground, so different bits of boxes and groceries were poking through in some attempt to escape. My wrists were amazingly only scraped up and bleeding a bit. And through some sort of miracle, my linen/cotton blend pants although looking black instead of cream, were not even ripped!!
I quickly changed out of my blackened clothes and began the clean up. I picked out the rocks and dirt stuck in my wrists, washed off the dirt on my face- realized I'd also hit and cut my upper forehead, so I cleaned all of that. Then, while giggling away at myself, before I even attempted to look at my knees, I decided it would be a good idea to make sure I hadn't lost any of my groceries. I got the receipt, and lined up each corresponding item on the counter- all in a neat, organized row. Everything was there. So then, (maybe in a bit of shock??) I thought it would be a good idea for me to lay out my dirty clothes on the bed, so that when Jeremy got home, he could see the aftermath of my big bail. Weird, I know. I didn't even shed a tear- until Jeremy walked in the door- and even then, it was some weird giggling, sobbing, followed by more giggling kind of tears.
I am much better today- although still moving a bit slow, and with not quite the range of motion I would like in my neck!! Well, what can you expect, really, when you belly flop on concrete??
Because of the flash, you can't really see how dirty these actually are!! There's even an imprint of a metal washer on them!!
This picture cracks me up for a couple reasons..... it is so funny I just had to show it!!! Notice the purse strap line? Or how the dirt kind of looks like an angry face?
hehehe ;)
This picture cracks me up for a couple reasons..... it is so funny I just had to show it!!! Notice the purse strap line? Or how the dirt kind of looks like an angry face?
hehehe ;)
That's all for now- time to do laundry and pack!!