Friday, December 01, 2006

It's raining, it's pouring, I wish that it was snowing

Well, December 1st and it is POURING rain outside. This weather is not condusive to grocery shopping, doing laundry (I have to go outside) or any other task that I really actually need to do. What it is good for is blogging, knitting, t.v. vegging, sleeping in until noon, and eating too many cookies. I would add practicing to my list, but I have quite the cold right now, so I am procrastinating practicing as well. Other things I could be doing inside include dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom and dusting. But frankly, if I'm not practicing, those things probably aren't going to get done either!!!

Also, being the Alberta girl that I am, I have to say that December is for SNOW. NOT rain. I have new winter boots, that are waterproof, but I think snow waterproof and rain waterproof are two very different things, so I'm a bit nervous to wear them out in the pouring rain. I saw a fancy pair of rubber boots the other day- a nice charcoal grey on the foot part, with some brown/grey tweed material up the leg. Very nice. I never thought I would be considering investing in a pair of rubber boots in December.

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