Wednesday, July 26, 2006

something is eating my sweet peas!

There are strange things happening to my plants. Actually, not to the plants themselves, but to the dirt around the plants. While I was gone, Jeremy mentioned that he thought something was enjoying burrowing in my pot of sweet peas. Every morning he'd get up and there would be some holes in the dirt around the plants. Well, today on his journey to take the recycling out, he discovered that the pot was turned upside down and was on the step below where it should be. Weird!! What kind of crazy creature could be doing this??! The bizarre thing is that it seems to be only one pot that it is attacking. The rest of the sweet peas lining the steps are undisturbed, and every morning look peaceful and refreshed- quite unlike the one unlucky pot which is quickly starting to resemble some kind of volcanic dirt eruption. hmmmm. I'm not really sure what to do next!! Do I toss the pot? Do I try to salvage it? Rent and set up a night vision video camera a la nature show to find out what sneaky predator is destroying my plants??

In other news. Camps 2 and 3 were great. The kids were great, the weather was great, and being able to see amazing stars at night was great. Deer flies, horse flies, black flies, flies in general, mosquitoes, wasps and dodgy food during weeks 1 & 2, were not so great. Thank goodness for the fabulous pub, where we all regained our sanity once or twice a week with some amazing food and a delicious pint. yum.

It looks like I've already got one new private student (from camp) lined up for the fall, and today I am going for an interview at a music studio not too far from my home. One of the teachers at camp is moving to Bermuda- and was kind enough to pass along my name to the studio where she has been teaching. So if all goes well, it looks like I will be teaching flute and recorder on Saturday (not too early) mornings. I didn't really want to teach on the weekends, but having the studio on Saturdays gives me more time during the week for private teaching.... and having some extra $$$ is always a good thing!!!!

In other non music news....... I'm going to write a book!!! That's all I am going to say about that for now.

Practicing awaits.........


Greg and Farrell Clark said...

A book!? I'm interested! :) Can I be your editor??

Glad to hear camps went well...and I have no idea what is going on with your flower pot! I'm voting for the secret camera idea!

Jillian Camwell said...

You could try repotting the plant in new soil. There might be something tasty and appealing at the bottom of your current pot!

Hmm...will your book be about the natural habitat of wild turkeys? ;)