Friday, July 13, 2007


How is it that despite my best intentions I had only two posts in the month of June? And here we are- half way through July. Yikes!!!

Thank goodness it is Friday. I'm taking the Orff level 1 class through the RCM, and it is insanely intense. I am having an absolutely fabulous time, and learning a ton- my students are in for a treat- but it is totally insane!!! Class for 8.5 hours, and then the homework has been taking me at least 5 hours (It's the perfectionist thing in me coming out). All the hard work is paying off though, my marks have all been extremely high. Yay! I have some major assignments to do this weekend, and thank goodness, Jeremy will be back from band camp on Sunday.

Okay, I know this post is not up to the norm. All of my creativity has been poured into writing body percussion, chants, songs, dances and poems this week. Once I'm recharged you'll have something you can sink your teeth in to. I promise.

1 comment:

Karmen said...

You are forgiven :) Thanks for the update sweetie!