Sunday, January 28, 2007

my house

I am having a lazy day today. Jeremy is out with a friend, and I am enjoying some time alone. I was browsing my usual blogs, and came across this!!

this is my house!

My house also has a garden in the back for organic vegetables, and some fruit trees. There is also a beautiful patio. The roof is also made of grass, even though I'm not sure if you can have a chimney with a grass roof!!! If you want to come and stay, we cook an awesome organic breakfast, and we have a beautiful guest room and amazing linens. You also have your own en-suite bathroom, with an antique, extremely deep, sloped back, soaker tub. And extra large towels from France. We have a library and a sun room, so you can read by the fire, or if you prefer, lounging in a sun beam. Our flooring is all reclaimed, and heated........

I could go on and on and on........

must practice!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

i want a desk

now we just need to find one.......... and then work miracles to find a space to put it!! I've started writing again, but it is difficult to write without a proper place. And I don't like writing at the kitchen table. It's not the right size, and when I'm sitting there I just want to eat all day. So. The search for a desk begins, and the writing continues on the big chair. I'm an old school writer, apparently. I like the feeling of writing fiction with a pen and paper.

It's been all things creative here for the past week. As well as writing, I picked up my sketch book and have been doing some drawing with some sketching felts. Chickadee's and some other random ideas have all been sketched.

Practicing has been going well. I took a bit of a break for a while, gasp, I probably shouldn't admit it- as taking breaks are often frowned upon in my profession. It's fun to be playing, and I am thinking about scheduling a recital in May or maybe early/mid August.

Other crazy ideas have also been flying around in my brain. I'm thinking about going back to school, just thinking right now, and maybe doing something non-music related..... we shall see. I'm NOT saying that I'm stopping music. I'm just thinking about getting some schooling in an area that I could do while having a music career. I like to do too many things!! I'll post more about that if and when things get a little more serious!!

It's getting to be time for a haircut. It's January, which means that I am fighting the colour battle again. Blonde is beckoning....... maybe just some highlights?? Probably just a trim. It's getting long. When it's wet, it is mid back. That is CRAZY long for me. I think the longest it's been since I was in grade 3!!

I'm tired.

My sweatpants are calling my name.

Oh yeah! Mary- I dreamed about you last night!! We were in some forested place, teaching at a music camp. We were finished teaching for the day and were catching up on each other's lives. It was dusk when we were suddenly surrounded by mountain lions/cougars (just 2 of them). Luckily there was a good climbing tree near us, and we scaled up the tree and into the back door of the building near us!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

meteorologist wannabe

I always love it when a weather warning is issued. Thunderstorms or snow storms, the crazier the better. Usually the warnings don't pan out, and the supposed 'awful' storm blows on by, leaving us with only a few drops of rain or what couldn't even be called a blanket of snow. And more importantly, leaving me waiting for the next exciting weather warning.

Last night a weather warning was issued for the Toronto area. 10 - 15 centimeters of snow, snow pellets and freezing rain was expected. I was ecstatic!! Our first real snow storm of the year. YAY!! I could hear the scratchy sound of snow pellets falling all night. I was thrilled. I even read the full out warning....... I have to share some of it with you. Who knew that someone at Environment Canada had a sense of humour?!! I guess in Canada you have to have one if you're in the weather field!!

Taken from
Environment Canada's Official Weather Warnings

City of Toronto
3:50 PM EST Sunday 14 January 2007
Snowfall Warning
10-15 cm of heavy snow mixed with ice pellets. Overnight and Monday.

"...... Despite the lull, the battle between the mild air well to the south and the invading cold Arctic air of winter from the north is not over........ Winter will finally win this latest battle with the mild air as the storm center races off into New England by Monday evening. In it's wake, the coldest airmass so far this season will invade by Tuesday. Temperatures will plunge several degrees below normal as winter finally settles in, for the time being."

Battles, invasions, storms, racing off and more invasions. I think the person who wrote this secretly wants to write fantasy novels instead!!!

Alas, the warning has ended and all that is forecast now are a few pitiful flurries. And so, like usual, I am left to eagerly await the coveted, much anticipated, highly elusive perfect storm.

Friday, January 12, 2007

It's up

Just in case you want to read about our Christmas in Winnipeg, it's now up!! Just scroll down the page a bit.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Natasha!

We haven't put her present in the mail yet...... but this is what will be arriving in a few days.