Wednesday, May 03, 2006

a post with my coffee

Things here have been crazy busy for the past couple weeks. Lots of rehearsals and things, teaching, and various appt's. One little bit of exciting news...... at Monday's rehearsal for Scarborough Phil (we were rehearsing with the soloist- Bartok Piano Concerto #3) there's a pretty exposed flute bit. Anyways, after the break while I was warming up, a guy who was watching the rehearsal came up to me (actually tapped me on the shoulder while I was warming up) and told me that he thought I sounded really great!! So, here I was thinking- wow, that was so nice!! a random compliment- cool!!

Later, while we were driving home, I asked my carmates if they knew who the guy was............... turns out he's the personnel manager for the TSO!!!! hehe :) guess all my hard work is paying off!!!

In other news, I sense a pretty big change around here. I am trying to revamp a few things in my life, and poor Jeremy, I think he's going to come along for the ride (what a great guy!!!). It's nothing too crazy. Just going to really take a look at what we are eating- I was told at a recent Dr's appt. that I should look into macrobiotics. So I bought the book, and am looking forward to reading it. Also was recommended to start doing Qigong- and am probably going to register for that class within the next couple of days (again, Jeremy is going to come too if we can work out the scheduling!!) A random bit of info..... Did you know that you should chew each bite around 50 times??? I'll see, but to be honest, all I could think was "holy crap, can you say TMJ???"

I am really curious to see the benefits of everything. I'll definitely keep you posted throughout the next few months. And for anyone who was curious to see the cherry trees in bloom, there's a few pictures following. I wasn't able to get to the park for some early morning pictures, but was able to get a couple of pictures last week just before sunset.


Thumbing Luxury said...

started reading the macrobiotics book this morning, and think it's going to be worth the read. If any one else wants to check it out:

the Hip Chick's guide to Macrobiotics
by Jessica Porter

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