Friday, May 19, 2006


Don't you hate it when spiders randomly set up boobytraps?? Today I was carrying about 30 lbs of groceries (flour is heavy!!) and while walking onto the front porch I narrowly avoided an encounter with a tangly, long spider web. thank goodness. I HATE it when you get spider web stuck on you. eeeew.

Good thing there was no spider to be seen. Especially one that looks like this crazy, bad boy from Calgary:

Apparently this big guy was on my parent's house the other day........ hahaha- and you all thought you were safe from huge, rain forest spiders!!!! This one must have hitched a ride with some bananas..........

Not too much going on here at the moment. I'm teaching a make-up lesson this evening, and then we are having bbq'd wild red snapper for dinner with brown jasmine rice and a still-to-be determined vegetable from the corner store. maybe some miso soup too.

Plans for the weekend??? none!! We are going to chill, chill, chill. And perhaps shop a bit....... Monday afternoon we're going to go to the Jays game!! Okay, so we do have plans. Which also include organic bacon.... (which is definitely NOT part of a macrobiotic diet....... gotta get some in while I still can!!)

Time to prep the lesson for my students this afternoon! New pieces, with cd accomp. made to sound like a rock band. how cool is that for an 8 year old boy?!!

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