Monday, February 19, 2007

Hair Update

Those who have known me for an extended period of time know my chameleon tendencies with my hair. It's been a struggle, but over the past few years I have managed to keep dye, and pretty much scissor free. Here's a few pics of the results.... straightened.
In other news- I got confirmation that I'll be teaching again this year at the U of C Summer Band Camp, August 19th - 24th. Yay Calgary!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday, February 08, 2007

the BIG news!

Jeremy and I are going on vacation!!

A huge, fun, amazing Mediterranean extravaganza.......

Here's our plan. It could change a bit- but this is the basic itinerary- as we booked our flights last night!!

Fly to Rome, drive/train to Florence, drive to Cinque Terre (I'm especially excited about this one!!), drive around the Mediterranean to a Chateau in Ramatuelle near St. Tropez, where we'll stay for 10 days, fly to Paris, just one day in Paris, and back to Toronto. We'll be gone for just over 2 weeks. YAY!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

big news.......

It has been so busy around here recently that I've hardly had a second to even think about updating!!! There's lot's of fun news in the works- You'll just have to wait a couple (maybe even just one more!!) days before I can tell you!!

But for now, here's a quick story for everyone to think about.

One of the biggest changes that Jeremy and I are making in our lives is trying to reduce, reuse and recycle more and more. I know- we've all been saying that phrase for years, but how many of us actually make a conscious effort to follow those ideals?? I remember learning that phrase in elementary school- and it's been in the back of my mind since then.

It's way over due for those important words to get out of the BACK of everyone's minds- and become a part of the way we live our daily lives.

One of my favourite things about living (and trying to be more environmentally aware) in Toronto has been the introduction of the green bin. Every city should incorporate this into their current recycle program. If you don't have one already, I encourage you to write a letter to your city council expressing the need for one!! Having a green bin has reduced the amount of our garbage every week by amazing amounts! All of our food waste, kleenex, paper towels, coffee grinds etc (you can even put in maxi pads and diapers!!) gets put in the green bin- and gets composted!! It's amazing- and every other week we now throw out less than a full bag of garbage.

The other day I was shopping at a well known Toronto health food store. In my efforts to reuse (and therefore reduce!!) I reused a plastic rice bag. Most of the rice we buy comes in a resealable bag- and Jeremy got the bright idea the other week to start reusing them. It's cheaper to buy bulk anyways- and they have the exact same rice available in bulk. So I filled up my brown rice bag with some wild black rice.

At the check out, the girl swiping the groceries held up the bag in such a weird way- She was examining the wild rice!! I told her the bulk rice code- and she replied "Oh- I'm pretty sure that the pre-packaged rice comes with their own scanner bars." I was shocked!!! Here I am, in one of THE Toronto health stores, and the check out girl hasn't encountered this before?? So I explained to her that it was my own bag- and I was re-using it. She was shocked!! It was actually pretty hilarious to experience her reaction!!

"Oooh," she said, which she followed with a heart felt "Thank you!! Thank you so much!! What a great idea!"

ummm "You're welcome?" was the only response I could think of at that point!!!

The point of the story- obviously, try to reuse or recycle something today that you normally wouldn't. Even if you just bring your own bags to the grocery store instead of using their plastic ones. Every little bit we do makes a difference. And if someone at a health store was surprised at my efforts to reuse, it sadly shows us how far we still have to go.