Sunday, March 19, 2006


after my long wait, it turns out that I was indeed forgotten. She called this afternoon and was VERY apologetic- they even sent someone for me when they realized, but by that time I had left. So, I am still playing the concert on Tuesday night- could be some interesting sight reading!!!!

time to bake cookies......


Karmen said...

Argh! I'd be furious!!! What's the group - and what's the rep? Is it sight-readable?

Thumbing Luxury said...

I'm playing with 5 community choirs for one piece, and playing with one choir for the other- nothing too crazy i hope, as the composer who wrote the piece for one choir will be in the audience!! i'll keep you posted...

Greg and Farrell Clark said...

Good luck! Hope all goes well and your checklist should ensure that you don't ever get left behind again! :)